Shenzhen [2024-10-16] - contacts

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Product name
Shenzhen [2024-10-16] - contacts
Version date
Created At
2024-10-16 07:11:44
Price (excl. VAT)
47.96 USD

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Total count of companiestotal quantity of records (lines)16'384
Unique emailsquantity of unique emails28'923

Fields statistics

Data field nameDescriptionAmountPercent
Citycompany registration address city16'384100%
Namecompany name16'38399%
Addresscompany registration address16'21298%
Phonecontact phone number16'19698%
Activitycompany activity16'05497%
Provinceadministrative territorial unit - province (state)15'52594%
Contact personcompany contact person15'06491%
Faxfax number13'34081%
Internet sitecompany internet site13'15480%
Postal codecompany registration address postal code8'51351%
Registration datecompany registration date7'81647%
E-mail (other)company webpage e-mail addresses are not connected with the website internet address6'60040%
Contact e-mailcompany contact e-mail5'58134%
E-mail (domain)company webpage e-mail addresses are connected with the website internet address3'90223%
Mobilecompany contact mobile phone2'44114%
Codecompany registration code2781%

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